Saturday, February 9, 2013

Today I read this

on Facebook ,So I set a moment and decided to respond to it and this is what I said
think these needs to be reworded a bit. First I am a female and i do not need to be reassured all of the time, I just need you to stand by me whether I make the right decision or wrong one. (It would be nice if when I am doing something that is wrong that you let me know it may not work out so I may need to rethink it. I do not need to be told I love you everyday although it is nice, I would rather you pick up your half of the work and do it without saying it is women's work. No I don’t get jealous and second guess his her every move; for me it is a waste of time, if you are doing someone or something you are not suppose to be then just close the door when you leave. I certainly do not want to wreck my day worrying about what my significant other is doing. If my judgment of the type of person I have entered a relationship with is so bad that I have to second guess, worry, and fear what that person is doing, then I am the real problem in the relationship, because either I have really poor judgment or am a stalker and in either case if that is the truth I am not ready for a real relationship. So I just assume my significant other is doing right thing and remains faithful and honest. As long as that person is next to me they will always have my trust. Yes there are beautiful women out there and I know that. There are also a lot of intelligent women out there, and we don't piss around with over thinking, jealousy or trying to second guess a person’s action. it is too much work. You do not need to prove your love, you do that every day when you work, play, make decisions, laugh and cry with me, work to make our children and our home a nice place to be , and give me your undivided attention when everyone is gone and we are home sound asleep ( what can I say I am older) Sleep ranks right up there with the other S word. and yes it is nice to know that when we decided to stay in a relationship that you have decided that our relationship come hell and high water is one you continue to want to be in, and that is what real girls, women, or any gender are, people who trust themselves enough to know that it is just to damn much work to sit and worry all day. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Parenting a parent chapter 2

Father passed away January 19, 2013. My husband and i left to go home on the 17th planning on coming back on the 19th, but a phone call from my family on the 18th changed our timing. Father was having a difficult time and my brother had not slept all night. The nurses were able to get him settled back down but we felt that we should be there so Jerry could go get some rest. The minute my husband and I walked in the room and told dad we were back his breathing became difficult. Tom went to bed and I stayed up, going in and out of his room giving him medication and kissing his forehead a hundred times telling him how much i loved him and it was okay to go home. The last moments with dad, he opened his eyes smiled at me and i told him i was going to rest. Tom walked in the room and at 5 30 he took his last breath. His last wish that his children not be there as tom promised him that he would be there so his children did not see him suffer.
my father ended his life the same way he was in his entire life. no matter what goal he set he would see it throught, no matter what puzzel he had to solve he would lay awake and work on it until he had an answer.
Tears fell as we set mom down and told her dad had gone. She said " oOh thank god he did not suffer then she ask me " Is he still warm can i go kiss him goodbye" and tears fell as i walked momma to dad's bed and she leaned over and held him .
I did not know it would be so hard , I did not know it would be so beautiful to see mamma kissing daddy goodbye . 64 years they had spent together , and each day they worked together to keep their family together. Through the last weeks i have said I am okay, and Dad was able to get his last wish to stay home and not be subject to rest homes. People come up and thank me and tell me that they understood how much work it was to spend taking care of your ill parent. and I shake my head, yes i was tired yes there were days on end that i did not sleep. but no it was not work, it was hugs and kisses and fried eggs sometimes at four in the morning when dad would yell " doesn't anyone know how to cook eggs in this house. and my husband would get up and say father you might not want to piss off the cook " and they would laugh and tom would fix him a bowl of cereal unit the cook got up to fry the eggs. .or the time when i went to town to get water and came home to mom asking dad what he was doing as he set on his bed soaking wet , I took a shower i can do that. his underpants were wet and his hat was on his head. I just said come on dad guess we need to get some dry clothes on. " See I can pull up my big boy pants all by myself OH lord there were days when i could resist his pout when he wanted to eat fried eggs the entire day and i would make them and ask if he was full , well i could be if only i had some fried eggs they are really good, i would not mind some you know. Dad you have already eaten 4 , well one more would not hurt would it. Tom said dad what are you trying to do get enough food in you to climb Jacobs ladder and he would say " how high do you suppose that ladder is guess another fried egg would give me enough strength to get up there.
God i miss daddy, i was his only daughter and i was spoiled rotten and i am so thankful that i got a chance to spoil him rotten too'