Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Violence ;

I generally do not focus on my political beliefs in the majority of my writings, but today I want to focus on the ongoing violence and ideas of violence as a solution in our society. I have heard many say that the ads, movies, comments by our political candidates, and even the comments out of our own mouth does not influence others to use violence. I know in my own life those people who threatened violence, tended to carry out those threats in one way or another. If a person on the streets threatens or indicates violence towards another individual their intent is to harm that individual. Sarah Palins intent to do political damage to individuals by pointing cross hairs at them is pretty clear. I believe that yes she should be held accountable, and yes her actions and the media’s actions for even allowing that ad to air are responsible for the violence that occurred. I have been hearing things such as “well we cannot really hold her accountable because it was just an ad is an excuse. It has been an excuse society has used for years. It is excuses the media, video games companies and even individual people have used to cover their asses when someone finally acts on the violence they have seen been subject to and influenced by I believe we call it MOB Mentality.  Sarah Palin has many followers her ads, provoked a mob mentality. And she is responsible.
 We hear “well the individual is sick or a deviant in our society.” Examples such as the young male who shot up the school was a deviant; it was certainly no one’s fault.  I heard media reports of children who every day are subject to ridicule and shamed by classmates to the point that they are completely ostracized, and those doing the slamming , verbal and sometimes physical abuse of that individual, but yet when he or she finally strike back they are “ sick individuals”. Our  society is sick and they are destroying our young people, they are inciting violence on a daily basis.  In our world if you are different then you are shamed, and dismissed as less of a human being.  Parents allow it, schools allow it. OH “that is just kids, they don’t mean no harm.” But they do mean harm, name calling, slut bashing, gay bashing, and ethnic bashing, are all harmful and all dangerous and injure others. But worse yet when someone who has as much power as Sarah Palin does that, she is not just bulling a political opponent she is destroying a human being. 
 IT is our fault we accept violence as a way of life. We buy and allow children to purchase games and watch movies that depict violence daily. They can shoot police officers, other people, or play war and massacre hundreds, blood and all.  We drive cars on highways and scream when someone gets in our way, with our children in the back seat, We will say “ I swear, I should just run the bastard over, or someday someone should just kill the sob because he can’t drive.  Our society as a whole has lost all common sense.
 I will never vote for politicians who post an ad showing a gun site over an opponent. Martin Luther King said “I have a dream” and a nation listened, and he spoke of non violence of coming together and a whole nation was proud.  , Did the entire nation forget that he, JFK, and Robert Kennedy were killed because they were political candidates that someone somewhere pointed the cross hairs of a gun at? Do we remember the civil rights people who were killed because they were standing up for a political cause?  Violence has never been and never will be a single person’s act. It is the act of groups of political people who buy the gun and put it in the hands of people willing to kill for what they believe. When will the violence end?? When will we stop shooting and asking questions later? I believe that it will not be until every one of us takes the responsibility for our own actions and stops hiding behind the freedom of speech. I know that the law reads if a direct terroristic threat is made by one individual against another that that person can be charged with a crime, that the law needs to be extended to all of our citizens even the politically powerful ones.  It is called terroristic threats. Whether it is the words or pictures it should not matter. I believe Sarah Palin made a direct threat against not one but several of her political opponents. May have even thought the ad was funny, but knew that it would cause harm to another individual. How could she not know it? She knows how politically strong she is, she knows that the media hangs on her ever word. She is and should be held accountable.

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday - 4 cops shot in Detroit, shooting outside Walmart in Port Orchard, Washington and we all know the news of the Arizona Shootings. These are all tragedies. I think the universe is trying to 'tell' us something. Something like, 'reevaluate your gun laws'. I continue to mention the scandinavian countries, but they DO seem to have so much going for them: paid maternity leave, stipend for parents of children, excellent health care, low violence, a high value on teachers and education. I know these countries are very small, but maybe we can learn something from them?
